Jeffrey Goldberg cites a string of extraordinary comments by ex-CIA analyst Michael Scheuer. I’d seen this over a week ago and didn’t have time to remark on it. Pro-Israel Americans, Scheuer argues, are a “fifth column,” “disloyal citizens,” “enemies of America’s republican experiment and will have to be destroyed” and so on. People turn to Scheuer as an expert commentator on the U.S.-Israel relationship; because he opposes the pro-Israel consensus in Washington, robotic leftists like Janeane Garofalo cotton to him, despite the fact that he is also adamantly pro-torture and believes that journalists who exposed rendition, illegal wiretapping and other abuses during the Bush years are traitors as well, and should be prosecuted.

Goldberg refers to Scheuer as “the modern-day incarnation of Father Coughlin,” and since I’ve just started reading Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America, I’d add that Scheuer’s rhetoric above is little different from Charles Lindbergh’s. Just a different time and place. Scheuer will whine and complain about how we disloyal Jews label everyone antisemites, how that’s part of our evil plan. As I’ve argued, it’s the other way around. It’s antisemitic thugs like Scheuer who try to intimidate their critics and disallow discussion of antisemitism altogether.
It behooves reasonable critics of Israel, on the left and the right, to call out Scheuer on his bigoted poison.

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