From this NYT story on Coloradans who don’t want Guantanamo detainees moved to a nearby federal supermax prison:

“People here are good Christian conservatives,” said Tom Baron, who described himself as a struggling small-business man, co-owner with his wife, Marie, of Donuts and Dogs, a coffee shop. Mr. Baron said he thought that large numbers of Muslims — the family members and friends of inmates — would move into town if the transfer occurred. Property values would fall, he said, and some family members of terrorists might be terrorists, too.

“That would destroy this community,” Mr. Baron said.

So to “not in my backyard” we can add “there goes the neighborhood.” Never mind that friends and family of these detainees would be highly unlikely (and completely unable) to pull up stakes and move to Colorado. I’m guessing they wouldn’t even be able to visit the prison. And the likelihood of them gaining visas to enter the U.S., let alone stay here for an extended period, is next to nil. But bigotry and xenophobia are never rational, as Mr. Baron demonstrates so well.

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