I’ll make a point of going to hear Israeli clarinet whiz Anat Cohen during her ambitious two-week stand at the Vanguard, June 23-28 and then June 30-July 5. The 3 Cohens band is really nice but I’ll have to prioritize and hear Anat next week with Benny Green on piano (saw him with Blakey at Sweet Basil’s in the mid-’80s), Peter Washington on bass and Lewis Nash on drums. “Clarinet Work: Benny Goodman and Beyond” is how Anat is billed for Vanguard week 2.

Which connects nicely to my current listening, Chicago clarinetist James Falzone and his quartet Klang. Their Tea Music streets in late August, but I’m happy I stumbled on Falzone’s nod in a p.r. interview to Benny Goodman, as well as Jimmy Giuffre. Anat Cohen’s quartet music will differ from Falzone’s acidic chamber jazz in fundamental ways, but the Goodman wellspring will be there and the contrast will be instructive.

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