Doobie break

Let me preface the video below by saying I’m not a real singer, but I don’t let that stop me from investigating songs like the Doobie Brothers’ “What a Fool Believes,” which Jane Krakowski tried to sing in a Michael McDonald voice the other night on “30 Rock.” (McDonald actually co-wrote it with Kenny Loggins.) It made me want to hear the song stripped down a bit, so I entertained myself coming up with this. Nice modulations between Db and E, and some tricky syncopation — I had to isolate and loop the “her apology,” “keeps sending him” and “someday, somewhere” phrases for a few minutes each before I could get them right. If I tried to play the song again today I’d have to brush up. I also mixed up a couple of she’s and he’s in the lyrics. Oh, well.

Anyway, here it is, part of my evolving ’70s pop and R&B self-instruction curriculum for guitar and voice.
[PS – Thought I’d append my annotation for the YouTube clip:
Always thought of this as a peppy song, but the lyrics are so sad. The phrases flow together beautifully and there’s some really subtle harmonic motion, very indicative of this particular era in pop.]

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