Good report from Randy Kennedy in the NYT:

There is a particularly Philadelphian brand of hardy, low-budget, do-it-yourself, do-it-for-love creativeness evident in art and art spaces across the city.

Yes, I loved it so. And on that note, I’m sorry to see Sci Fi Philly, the hardy, low-budget avant-jazz series, closing up shop with a blowout show on October 4. I’m told the lineup will include Jacob Wick, Shot x Shot, Jeff Arnal, Katt Hernandez, Bird Fly Yellow and more. Will try to post full details as they come. A reminder that I wrote about the series [pdf] in its earlier months. Apparently the musician-curators are burnt on curating and want to focus on being musicians, which one can certainly understand.
I’m sure other initiatives will follow in Sci Fi’s wake. And there’s still Ars Nova, Bowerbird, Avant Ascension and Lucky Old Souls.

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