Back after a break–the transit strike and the holidays slowed me down some. My feature on Chris Potter will be published shortly in Jazz Times. I’m currently finishing a piece on Andrew Hill, which has consumed most of my energy and attention.

But I wanted to point readers to this piece by Eric Reeves in TNR. Turns out the African Union and the Arab League will both hold their upcoming summits in Khartoum:

These summits will represent symbolic triumphs for Sudan’s genocidaires. And they will reinforce in very public fashion what Khartoum already knows: that none of its neighbors really cares what it does in Darfur.

But it gets even better:

Because tradition dictates that the next chair of the African Union be the head of the most recent summit’s host country, Sudanese president Omar el-Bashir is now poised to lead the very organization that claims to be seeking an end to the genocide he is orchestrating.

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