On Dan Blacksberg/Daniel Levin

In the current Philadelphia Weekly:

Daniel Blacksberg-Daniel Levin Duo
Sun., Sep. 13, 8:30pm. $5. Gojjo, 4540 Baltimore Ave. 215.238.1236 www.scifiphilly.com

The trombone and cello can both be ungainly, but they speak with an elemental grace when played by the right people. Philly’s Daniel Blacksberg and New York’s Daniel Levin are the right people. Blacksberg is a diligent trombonist and open-eyed student of adventurous music, holding down klezmer gigs while hatching various schemes as a leader, including a free-improv trio and a deep-probing quartet called Synthesis Music. Levin exploits the cello’s ruminative chamber-music qualities but also lurks in the grittier corners of the avant-jazz realm, as evidenced on his latest discs for Clean Feed, Fuhuffah and Live at Roulette. This week the Daniels pair up for an improvised set to remember. — David R. Adler

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