…brings no pause at all… frantically working while listening to the reissue of Gary Thomas’s Overkill (JMT 1995), which I’d always thought was a jazz/hip-hop crossover of some sort, but no — it’s pure hip-hop and pretty hardcore for a jazz tenor player.

See how easily I get distracted from Judaism… but in the NY Times Book Review there was a quote from Osip Mandelstam: “As a little musk fills an entire house, so the least influence of Judaism overflows one’s life.” That’s how it’s worked for me, though I’m not observant and my agnosticism is a conviction, as odd as that sounds. I’m feeling less than favorable toward religion these days, can’t imagine why… but to those who say religion is all delusion and dogma I always respond, tell it to Dr. King.

I started at Judaism, wound up at Christianity. Brain fade. Time for bed.

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