Eric Reeves, by far the most diligent reporter on the Darfur genocide, paints a grim picture of U.S. appeasement in TNR (subscription required, but try it; some TNR pieces get through for a short time). It’s just unbelievable:

Another sign of appeasement came in July, when the Washington firm C/R International, whose managing director is former State Department official Robert Cabelly, agreed on a contract with the Sudanese government. Because trade and economic sanctions put in place in 1997 by President Clinton remain in effect, the contract required an explicit waiver from the State Department, which it granted.

…the contract calls for the firm to “assist the Client in meeting its objectives, specifically regarding public relations, government relations and strategic counsel as they would relate to implementing the North-South peace agreement, cooperating in the war on terrorism, and addressing other issues, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.”

In short, the same vicious cabal in Khartoum that was explicitly declared by former Secretary of State Colin Powell to be responsible for genocide in Darfur has now been allowed to secure the services of a former State Department employee to provide it with p.r. counsel. For a fee of $530,000 per year, the firm’s role will essentially be to put a happy face on a genocidal regime.

As is widely known, the U.S. is extremely interested in shoring up the recent peace agreement between Khartoum and the SPLA in the south. But according to Reeves, by appeasing the Sudanese government on Darfur, the Bush administration is actually weakening the North-South agreement as well. And it’s making a mockery of Bush’s “Not on My Watch” pledge.

Reeves is the man. Read him daily. Again, here’s the link to his site.

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