Balkan revisionism postscript

Via Bill Weinberg, and following up on my previous Chomsky post, here is an in-depth piece by Marko Attila Hoare on the fallacies of “left revisionism” on the Balkans. Hoare’s conclusion:

The bitterness of the left-revisionist campaign to deny the genocide in the former Yugoslavia carried out by Milosevic and the Serb nationalists reflects a neo-Stalinist determination to champion Europe’s last ‘socialist’ dictatorship against all the overwhelming evidence of its murderous and corrupt nature…. The left revisionists are neither progressives nor genuine anti-imperialists. Their a-historical, anti-democratic worldview and their refusal to condemn fascism or to stand up for the rights of its victims, make them morally complicit in the crimes that have taken place in the former Yugoslavia.

Take that Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Harold Pinter and all the rest.

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