Pursuant to this piece of mine for The New Republic about the “Hands Off Assata” campaign, which is run by pro-Castro fanatics, here is an important Doug Ireland post. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) protested a Paris visit by Castro’s foreign minister Felipe Pérez Roque this past October. Ireland lends his support to RSF and attracts vicious replies in his comments section, almost precisely the frothing madness I received from a reader in Argentina. Here is one Agapito Lopez supporting the arrest and harsh sentencing of journalists and librarians:

It is right to take actions against unregistered foreign agents of the USA who are acting at the behest of the most savage and cruel Empire the Earth and human kind have ever known.

Now just admire this contrast: a statement decrying “Black Spring,” Castro’s crackdown on dissent in 2003. The signatories? Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and other well-known supporters of U.S. imperialism. I’ve been dismissive of Chomsky on this blog, but here I’m happy to give credit where it is due. And to say that the pro-Castroites have absolutely no excuse, nothing to say except that they’re enthusiasts for dictatorship.

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