I’ve received an email from Margaret Davis, NYC avant-jazz promoter, regarding a benefit for bassist Tarik Shah. Now in jail awaiting trial, Shah stands accused of expressing a desire to aid al-Qaeda. Davis writes the following:

Our brother in the music, bassist Tarik Shah, a wonderful musician who has played and recorded with Betty Carter and Abbey Lincoln, among many others, is presently incarcerated for being suspected of having thoughts, spoken words, and / or companions the government doesn’t like — also known as”suspicion of conspiracy”. [sic]

I don’t know enough about Shah’s case, and I agree wholeheartedly with Davis that in the U.S., innocence is presumed. But if Shah did in fact “have thoughts” and “speak words” supportive of al-Qaeda, to the point of being eager to volunteer his services, then this is far more disturbing than Davis seems ready to acknowledge.

Read more at All About Jazz here.

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