War on Christmas footnote

I should add to my reflections here and here: This talk of a “war on Christmas” in the U.S. trivializes the all-too-real oppression of Christians in such places as Burma, China and North Korea. No one is preventing Christians in the U.S. from worshipping as they please. This country, I might add, is being (mis)governed by a born-again Christian.

Likewise, to those on the left asking “Is it fascism yet?”, I’d say, consult a person who’s actually lived under fascism. I absolutely agree that we need to be vigilant about civil liberties; the NY Times’s belated story on unauthorized NSA surveillance is only the latest chilling sign. But look around the world — at, say, Turkey’s attempt to silence the novelist Orhan Pamuk — and it’s clear that dissenters’ rights in the U.S. could be in far worse shape.

Go here to see Triumph the Insult Comic Dog diss Karl Rove, up close and personal.

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