Back in November I harshly criticized The World Can’t Wait, an activist “coalition” fronted by the Revolutionary Communist Party. Just the other day I discovered that this comment had come in from a reader:

I am not a communist, i am a part of this organization. Our organization is united around “The Call”, the call is not communist at all, and the call represents the entire unity of the group. It is a flyer that spells out why the bush regime needs to be driven out, not why the workers of the world should unite. Listen we need to unite with people, all you are doing is falling into the leftist bickering that gets us no where. Yes there are communists in the group, theirs also democrats, does that make it a democrat front too? The direction of the group doesnt point towards communism, but leads to the driving out of a criminal regime. Its people like you, that refuse to tolerate and work with people, that are keeping this regime in power. Are you listening to your ego, or your heart? The fate of millions of people rest on our shoulders, and not only are you not supporting the movement that can end this, which is your choice, your trying to stray people away from it. Next time do your homework.

Translation: Either you’re with us or against us.

Originally I’d written: “Thus do browbeating, sanctimony and emotional blackmail take the place of reasoned argument.” I’d like to thank this reader for illustrating my point.

I am indeed anti-communist but I can support groups like the Worker-Communist Party of Iran on pragmatic grounds. Not so the authoritarian cultists of the RCP.

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