Not the ones you’d think, but bedfellows just the same. Johann Hari demolishes Ayn Rand (nee Alisa Rosenbaum), who remains a right-wing saint despite her mediocrity (not to mention her forthright celebration of child rape and murder). And Alan Johnson rips into Slavoj Zizek, equally a star among the academic far left (subscriber link only). Zizek finds Hermann Goering’s view of power to be a useful model for progressives. Seriously.

As I’ve noted before, Zizek penned a glowing tribute to Alfonso Cuaron’s 2006 film Children of Men, which is supposed to be a scathing indictment of authoritarianism. Cuaron believes “the tyranny of the 21st century is called ‘democracy,'” which is a steaming pile of trendy nonsense, perfectly in line with Zizek’s thought.

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