David Frum, one of America’s last sane conservatives, links to famous photographs that remind us of the sacrifice of Muslims who died as members of the U.S. military. And yet just yesterday, the very day of the Fort Hood massacre, GOP House members gave their imprimatur to a fanatical far-right rally, at which people held up posters of President Obama in a headwrap, with his name rendered in mock-Arabic script. Republican elected officials have picked a bad time to enable and encourage hate. But at this point there’s almost no daylight between them and the crackpot fringe.

Early reports have it that Nidal Malik Hasan was morally opposed to deploying to Afghanistan to fight fellow Muslims. Anyone inclined to view that sentiment with sympathy ought to consider that the militants arrayed against the U.S. in AfPak do not share Hasan’s view. They murder Muslims with calculated cruelty on a regular basis.

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