On Eskelin-Deutsch-Miller

In the current Philadelphia Weekly:

Ellery Eskelin-Erik Deutsch-Allison Miller
Sun., Nov. 29, 8pm. $12. International House, 3701 Chestnut St. 215-895-6546 www.arsnovaworkshop.org

Along with his husky, exploratory tenor saxophone voice, Ellery Eskelin has displayed a flair for intriguing trio concepts on discs such as Forms and Arcanum Moderne. This new unit features Erik Deutsch, an emerging keyboardist (Charlie Hunter, Madlove) who’s making waves of his own as a leader (Fingerprint, Hush Money). Allison Miller, who has pounded skins with everyone from Marty Ehrlich to Ani DiFranco to her own collaborative Agrazing Maze, completes the lineup. Finishing a three-city road trip, the group offers a new improvisational take on the classic organ trio. Deutsch and Miller have an existing rapport as two-thirds of singer-songwriter Erin McKeown’s band, so that ought to jumpstart things. — David R. Adler

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