A dead art?

“We seem to be on the edge of a paradigm shift.” Oh my, that sounds important. Let’s read on and see what downtown composer and pretentious blowhard Glenn Branca has to say.

“Orchestras are struggling to stay alive, rock has been relegated to the underground, jazz has stopped evolving and become a dead art…”
Ok, let’s stop there, because Branca, while affecting Olympian insight, has no idea what he’s talking about, and he’s using a platform in the NYT to consign the hard work of thousands of fellow musicians to oblivion. Work he’s clearly never heard.

One Comment

  1. Radio Wonderland-
    November 25, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    You are correct, sir. Branca I've always dug even when mired in pretension. Now I'm deeply annoyed. Languages always evolve. He's wrong.