I’m getting errors while trying to approve comments — working on it. But my friend Mike takes apart Glenn Greenwald’s Bush analogy so effectively that I need to put it up here:

Greenwald’s analogy might make sense, but for one thing: When Bush made all those promises, I didn’t vote for him. Indeed, they were among the very reasons I didn’t vote for him. So I was criticizing him for taking actions for which I withheld my consent at the ballot box.

But the simple fact is, if you knew on Election Day that Obama planned to escalate in Afghanistan and voted for him anyway, like it or not you were greenlighting that escalation plan.

So even if what Greenwald talks about is a defense of Obama’s escalation, it’s a valid defense. It’s not that it’s unfair to criticize him for keeping a campaign promise, it’s that it’s unfair to criticize him for something to which I gave my consent on Election Day.

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