In the current Philadelphia Weekly:

Rick Iannacone
Mon., Dec. 21, 8pm. With Birds for Arms. Tritone, 1508 South St. 215.545.0475

Rick Iannacone could be called Philadelphia’s answer to Marc Ribot — a guitarist with an avant-jazz skill set and a rocker’s heart, mischievously fusing high-art harmony and unbridled skronk. A true Philly original, Iannacone left a void with his recent move to Oregon, but he gets the most he can out of his occasional return visits. Monday’s show is one of three: on the 16th he plays the Avant Ascension series (also at Tritone); on the 20th he joins Elliott Levin’s New Olduvai Music (with Jamaaladeen Tacuma) at J.C. Dobbs; and finally, on the 21st he reunites with punk-jazz-beat poetry band New Ghost and leads his four-horn unit Character We. — David R. Adler

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