Iverson, Collier, Kelsey

~ In this remarkable post on Wayne Shorter, Ethan Iverson apologizes publicly to Matthew Shipp for words that I quoted in my recent JazzTimes feature on Shipp [pdf]. I want to thank Ethan for weighing in, but I also want to state for the record that my intention certainly wasn’t to put Ethan on the spot. I included the quote with the hope of illuminating these two artists’ opposing ideas and giving readers a sense of the issues at stake. So I’m glad the passages have sparked more dialogue, as they were supposed to do.

~ Graham Collier expands on the matter of form and convention, in follow-up to my recent spat with Chris Kelsey over John Hollenbeck. And Chris, too, expands on his reasoning in a way that I can much better appreciate. So to follow Ethan’s lead, I am tendering my apology to Chris if I misconstrued his meaning. My combative tone was unnecessary.
[Thanks to Patrick at ABS for the roundup.]

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