In the new Philadelphia Weekly:

Mon., Mar. 1, 8pm. $12. International House, 3701 Chestnut St. 215.895.6546

Back in Philly after their late January gig with the sprawling Circulasione Totale Orchestra, bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and drummer Paal Nilssen-Love will join Swedish/Norwegian brethren Magnus Broo (trumpet), Fredrik Ljungkvist (reeds) and Håvard Wiik (piano) in the winning quintet known as Atomic. Often credited with a raw sound that defies the placid, ethereal “Nordic jazz” stereotype, these cats can still do lyrical when they want to. Their compositions, well documented on the Jazzland discs Happy New Ears! and Retrograde, are marked by chamber-like nuance and an authoritative sense of swing. And yes, a rawness that makes the subtleties all the more confounding and seductive. — David R. Adler

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