I’m late in posting a link to the newly revealed Abu Ghraib photos, but link I must.

Note the man with the words “I’m a Rapeist” [sic] scrawled on his buttocks.

As Americans, we should all hang our heads in shame.

And remember, many of those detained in Abu Ghraib were captured in random sweeps and believed to be innocent even by U.S. military brass.

If there’s anything remotely positive to say, it’s that in this country, government attempts to bury this story are hopelessly unsuccessful. (Appropriate punishment for the torturers is another matter.)

In noting this I mean to dispute the absurd statements of Liu Zhengrong, a Chinese gov’t official who earlier this week argued that China’s Internet censorship is no different than America’s. Checking this is easy enough: type “Abu Ghraib scandal” into Google and you get over a million hits. (Not to overpraise Google, which has no problem censoring its content overseas.)

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