The launch of the redesigned and reconfigured is imminent. For a brief time, the “blog” button on that site will continue to direct you here (again, note the changed url). But the plan is ultimately to migrate this blog to WordPress and integrate it with my main site. I’m sure the new toys will reignite my blogging jones and all sorts of stuff will pour forth, time permitting.

Meanwhile, my daughter Tess (pictured) is nearing nine months of age, crawling around like a maniac, showing tons of affection and knocking my socks off every day. The newborn stage feels like a century ago. Somehow I’ve still managed to write a forthcoming JazzTimes feature on David S. Ware, CD roundups on Manuel Valera and Samuel Blaser, and liner notes for a burning Alex Sipiagin quartet record, in addition to my various weekly writing chores. The time for newsmongering and commentary, concertgoing, jazz twittering and such has been limited, needless to say.
Our little nuclear family heads to Florida next week — the original plan was to have Tess meet Greg, Sr., my wife’s nonagenarian grandfather, but he left us before that could happen. So now we go to remember a beloved father, grandfather, great-grandfather, husband and World War II hero, who’ll receive military honors in a ceremony during our visit. Thank you, sir, for your kindness and love, and your service.

One Comment

  1. Matt-
    April 13, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    Congrats David!