Just in case you thought the term “kike” went out of use in the ’50s: here is Ben C. Slocum, who signs off here from South Orange, New Jersey, and who wrote the following in my comments field:

“Why all this hysteria over something as negligible as anti-Semitism. Jews are the richest and most privileged people in the world. Israel has over 200 nukes and has the 4th deadliest military in the world. Sn [sic] what’s this nonsense about anti-Semitism? Do the common folk have to bend down and lick the crack in a Jew’s ass so as not to be called an ‘anti-Semite’ today? Are they that neurotic and insecure? They own the world – isn’t that enough for these kikey little farts?”


  1. nell-
    July 8, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    they seem to have excised mr slocum’s comment, or at least edited it. here’s what’s at the link now:

    Ben Slocum
    June 07, 2010
    Whatever good Israel has done it’s long in the past – it is now a grotesque pariah State. How does making the Palestinians suffer cruelly make a good bedtime story for the kids? How do you tell a sweet version of the 350 children they killed in Gaza? What do you tell the kids? You tell them that Israel is a bad place run by bad people and that although many Israelis are good people – the people who run the place are stupid, crazy and rotten, and a lot of Jews don’t want to admit it but it’s true. You leave out the “nuance” the “complications” and the poisonous “Everybody hates the Jews” Big Lie, and you tell them the truth. Ben C. Slocum, South Orange, N.J.

  2. July 8, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    No, they’re two separate comments – what I linked to is what he wrote to the NJ Jewish News. What I quoted is what he wrote to me directly.

  3. nell-
    July 9, 2010 at 3:23 am

    i see. anyhow, mr slocum has done much to allay my concerns about anti-semitism.