In the new Philadelphia Weekly:

Composer Portrait: Fieldwork
Fri.-Sat., Mar. 11-13, 8pm. $12 ($30 three-night pass). Christ Church Neighborhood House, 20 N. American St. 215.922.1695

Somehow the most skewed, abstract rhythms become magnetically appealing when pianist Vijay Iyer, saxophonist Steve Lehman and drummer Tyshawn Sorey gather as the experimental collective Fieldwork. In a rare three-night showcase, these formidable musicians will appear together and apart, highlighting their distinct identities as solo innovators and their power as a combined force. Sorey opens on Friday with “For Kathy Change,” a quintet tribute to the late political activist, who burned herself to death on the Penn campus in October 1996. Fieldwork convenes as a trio on Saturday. The JACK Quartet performs chamber music by Lehman (“Nos Revi Nella”) and Iyer (“Mutations I-X”) on Sunday, after a pre-concert chat with New York Times jazz critic (and Penn alum) Nate Chinen. — David R. Adler

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