With breathtaking results. I’m a latecomer to the series but a huge fan for the last 18 months or so (OK, I’m really late). Tonight’s season premiere met expectations many times over.

I won’t discuss the plot but wanted to highlight a comment from Emanuele Alfano of the Italian-American One Voice Coalition (sorry, paid NYT link), who has led the charge against The Sopranos for allegedly purveying anti-Italian stereotypes. Clyde Haberman asks Alfano whether he’ll at least concede that the show is well-made. Alfano scoffs: “Well made. ‘Birth of a Nation’ was also well made.”

Argument over, as far as I’m concerned. Perhaps if Italian-Americans were being segregated, terrorized and murdered across the southern U.S., an unflattering TV series about Italian-Americans would be inappropriate. As it is, Alfano’s remark borders on tasteless.

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