Support the Euston Manifesto

Go here to read about this new initiative of the democratic left. I’ve signed and sent a brief statement, although I think there’s little to add to this bit by Harry of Harry’s Place:

If once the question was are you with the Hungarian or Czech revolutionaries or the Soviet tanks which crush them – now it is about being, without any fear or apology, on the side of the student in Iran not the thugs who beat her. It is about solidarity with trade unionists in Iraq not their murderers, with the human rights activist in Belarussia and not the dictator they oppose, with the cartoonist in Copenhagen and not those who issue him with death threats, with the democracy campaigners in China and not the oligarchs who jail them, with the poor in Zimbawbe and not the gangsters who force misery upon them, with the dissidents in Muslim communities not those who would silence them.

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