“Loose Change 9/11”

I’ve come across chatter about the second edition of a documentary called “Loose Change 9/11.” I haven’t seen either edition, but looks like a repackaging of some of the daft 9/11 conspiracy theories that were so forcefully challenged in this article in Popular Mechanics. Bill Weinberg also takes aim at the “conspiranoiacs” in this post. (Here’s a predictable rebuttal to the PM article, for informational purposes. And here’s a previous post by yours truly.)

The web page for Loose Change 9/11 contains this unintentionally amusing line: “We have done nothing extraordinary in terms of research.”

In sum, we’re asked to believe that a U.S. administration that has displayed its utter incompetence in Iraq and New Orleans nonetheless masterminded a diabolical plot that would have required, for one thing, near-omnipotent control of every media outlet in the world. We’re asked to believe that the Pentagon bombed the Pentagon. We’re asked to believe that, in pursuit of its goal of world capitalist domination, the U.S. gov’t perpetrated an attack that sent the U.S. economy into a tailspin. And we’re asked to believe that the U.S. gov’t manufactured a news story that would put its own intelligence and law-enforcement appartus in the worst possible light, generating negative press that continues to this day.

Also note that after the 7/7 attacks in London, conspiracy theories sprung up alleging that Tony Blair masterminded those attacks.

What we have here is a psychological syndrome more than anything — people who need to promote a lurid, demonological fantasy of Western power to shore up their own worldview in the face of anything that might complicate or undermine it.

Why do I raise this? Because even some of my good friends are buying into this stuff or at least giving it credence that it does not deserve.

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