The 9/11 conspiracy thread

Since I took issue with the “9/11 Truth” movement in these two recent posts, I can’t let this pass without comment. Yvonne Ridley, the British former journalist, was taken hostage by the Taliban in 2001; she is now a Muslim fundamentalist and Al Qaeda apologist. Oh yes, and a member of George Galloway’s antiwar RESPECT party. Now Ridley has traveled to Malaysia to make common cause with antisemitic cranks who believe 9/11 was a Jewish conspiracy. One of her colleagues in this endeavor is Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press, a publication with ties to neo-Nazi organizations.

A couple of years ago I had a letters exchange in Jazz Times with a defender of Amiri Baraka, who has given credence to the noxious “the Jews knew” theory (a version of which seems to surface after every terrorist attack on the planet). Subsequent to this exchange, a reader wrote in to tell me that I really must consult the American Free Press and educate myself on the issue. There were some “serious-ass questions” still left unresolved about 9/11, he wrote. The “serious-ass” question, really, is this: How is it that a defender of Baraka, a radical black poet, can consume and recommend white supremacist propaganda?

By chance, I recently found myself on the PATH train to the World Trade Center, which takes a semi-circular route straight through the open-air pit of Ground Zero. It was the first time I’d laid eyes on the place since October 2001. Suffice it to say that I have not moved on and I never will. And everywhere I go in this city, I see stickers that read “9/11 Is A Lie!”

No. “9/11 Is A Lie” is a lie.

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