NYT “Swift” story — a footnote

Conservative radio host Melanie Morgan of San Francisco would have the NYT’s Bill Keller executed for printing the Swift terror-financing story:

If he were to be tried and convicted of treason, yes, I would have no problem with him being sent to the gas chamber. It is about revealing classified secrets in the time of war. And the media has got to take responsibility for revealing classified information that is putting American lives at risk.

These right-wing demagogues like to rail against threats to the American way of life, but they’re the ones who are threatening it. And this bears repeating: They have nothing to say about the conservative Wall St. Journal, which handled the story exactly as the Times did — same prominent placement, same day. This whole brouhaha is completely fake.

Returning to Melanie Morgan, consider this. China is making life very unpleasant for the NYT’s Zhao Yan on the bogus charge of revealing state secrets. But I don’t think the gas chamber is being contemplated. If Morgan had her way, the U.S. would treat journalists far more harshly than China does.

See my previous post on this issue here.

(Hat tip: Sullivan)

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