Today in world meltdown

It seems every Jewish organization in America is lining up in support of Israel’s bombardment of Lebanon; so are the Christian fundies. I’ve argued that blaming the Lebanese gov’t for the Hezbollah incursion is crazy, and it bears repeating. I’m grateful to Marc Cooper for linking to yesterday’s post, and I echo his assessment:

The current Lebanese government is a product of the Cedar Revolution which, indeed, severed the roots of the Syrian intelligence operation in Lebanon and has moved toward reform. That same government is militarily too weak and politically too volatile to have shut down the Hezbollah, who –after all– have the sympathies of the 40% of the Lebanese population that is Shia.

Striking back at the Hez is one thing (anyway, this is what the Hezbollah wanted). But turning Lebanon –again– into a failed state would benefit nobody.

Even President Bush — gasp — seemed to understand this when he remarked that Israel’s actions could “topple” the Lebanese government.

That’s not to say that Bush is exercising any leadership. Last night on the Daily Show there was a video clip of Bush’s joint press conference with Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. I dare say it’s one of the most appalling clips the Daily Show has ever run. Twice during his remarks, Bush said he was very much looking forward to the evening’s pig feast. Later a reporter stood to ask whether Bush is concerned about the bombing of the Beirut airport, and whether Iran would be given more time to respond to int’l demands to suspend uranium enrichment. Bush said, “I thought you were going to ask about the pig.”

Yes, apparently it’s joke time for Mr. Bush, standing at the podium in a foreign country, with the eyes of the world upon him. Merkel looked like she wanted to disappear. The moment was surreal; no verbal retort was possible. All Jon Stewart could do was take a long, slow sip of water and then spray it, Marx Brothers-style, all over his desk.

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