Unsurprisingly, Marc Cooper is taking heat for condemning Hezbollah. “Angry Arab” apparently has no problem with Hez launching rockets indiscriminately at Israeli cities, in flagrant violation of the principle of civilian immunity. Again, the very existence of an armed Hez violates a standing UN resolution.

Even more amazingly, people are attacking Marc for lacking the “courage” to criticize Israel. The point of nearly all Marc’s posts thus far has been vigorous criticism of Israel. And the idea that this requires “courage” is so completely overblown. If anything, on today’s left, criticizing rogue Arab militias requires courage.

Best of all, the commenter “bunkerbuster” writes the following:

There is a campaign of hate in the U.S. against Muslims, and it’s important not to contribute to it in any way.

Got that? Anyone who lambasts Hez is contributing to anti-Muslim bigotry. This is so typical. Here’s a report of a Cairo meeting of Arab foreign ministers. Who’s blasting Hez’s destructive behavior? Representatives of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, the Palestinian Authority, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Meanwhile, Syria’s foreign minister, Walid Moallem, is “defending Hezbollah as carrying out ‘legitimate acts in line with international resolutions and the UN charter, as acts of resistance,’ delegates said.” Rocketing Israel’s northern towns is consistent with the UN charter? This is shameless, but one should expect nothing less from the Assad regime.

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