Cian in the comments asks:

Does this principle of civilian immunity only apply to Israelis, then? Not only has Israel has killed far more civilians in Lebannon, but their response to the military kidnap of a soldier was to bomb civillians. Or do you think that all Lebanese civilians are somehow not civilians?

Really amazing — in the posts of the last week I have repeatedly condemned Israel’s disproportionate response and its impact on Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. But apparently if I condemn Hezbollah, this cancels out my criticism of Israel. Look for tons and tons more of this manichean thinking in the days and weeks to come. Thanks, Cian, for proving my initial point. [Update: I take Louis Proyect’s Stalinist insults as a high compliment.]

Here I should note that I part ways, once again, with the liberal hawks at Harry’s Place, as well as Eric Lee. It’s disappointing to see Brett of HP brush aside concerns about collective punishment, a term he places in scare quotes.

Marc Cooper has a roundup of war commentary. And thanks, Marc, for linking here once again. I’ll return to the subject when time and energy allow…

[Update: Another useful roundup of coverage from Norm.]

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