I strongly support the UN’s stance on a ceasefire, as if it matters worth a damn. The spectacle of John Bolton lashing out at the UN every day is hard to take, now more than ever.

The discourse on the cowboy right couldn’t be more disturbing. Newt Gingrich was on Bill O’Reilly yesterday, rattling sabers, with O’Reilly saying the U.S. should “close in” on certain countries — including Spain. Yes, Spain.

The discourse on the antizionist left can be gleaned from this document, signed by Noam Chomsky, Harold Pinter and illustrious others, describing Israel’s goal as “nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation.” Pinter is a notorious apologist for Slobodan Milosevic; Arundhati Roy I’ve commented on here; Chomsky, as I’ve noted here and here, endorsed Hezbollah’s position on the bearing of arms back in May, while the group was evidently laying its plans to attack Israeli troops.

In the comments on this blog a couple of days ago, a respondent or two all but endorsed Hezbollah’s June 12 attack, which even Chomsky has criticized. Not much concern about Hezb’s virulent antisemitism, as noted by Fred Halliday, and as indicated by Hezb’s likely involvement in the AIMA bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994. We should all be horrified by what Lebanon is enduring right now. But be wary of so-called peace and justice advocates peddling illusions about Hezbollah.

The same goes for the liberal hawks, as well as the know-nothings of the hard right. Hezbollah is not a bin Ladenist group, as Halliday has explained. And so Israel’s attack on Lebanon must not be ballyhooed as the next glorious chapter in the war on terror.

One final note: By invading Iraq and then letting it descend into genocidal violence meted out by dueling fascist militias, the U.S. has strengthened Iran, paymaster of Hezbollah.

[Update: This amplifies the point about Hezbollah not being al-Qaedist. You could almost say that Hezbollah and al-Qaeda are at war: in Iraq. Al-Sadr, a Shia theocrat, is following the Hezbollah rulebook, playing the parliamentary game while orchestrating violence.]

Good night, and good luck.

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