By this time nearly a third of Lebanon’s population has been displaced by Israel’s bombardment. Israel has a very poor track record on this score. I distinctly recall Shimon Peres, in ’96 during Operation Grapes of Wrath, saying outright that Israel was deliberately creating a refugee crisis in order to pressure the gov’t of Lebanon. This was and is, of course, a brazen violation of the rules of warfare. (It was a very different gov’t of Lebanon back then, but the point stands.)

During that ’96 episode, Israel hit a UN installation (at Qana). It’s happened again. Gene of Harry’s Place, channeling Rumsfeld, tells us that stuff happens. I don’t have enough information to comment on Kofi Annan’s initial accusation that the strike was deliberate. In all likelihood it was a mistake, but this does not speak well of Israel’s campaign. If Israel can commit such a blunder as this, just imagine what’s transpiring in the rest of Lebanon.

Shimon Peres could be seen on TV a couple of days ago berating an opponent in the Knesset, saying, “It’s either us, or it’s Hezbollah.” That’s the choice being foisted upon us by Harry, who posted a banner yesterday reading “Solidarity with Israel.” I’m sad to say that HP is really blowing it, although they are absolutely right to hold the Stop the War Coalition’s feet to the fire when it comes to support for Hezbollah. There’s a march across the Brooklyn Bridge planned for Saturday to protest Israel’s action, but you can be sure the ultras of ANSWER, the ISO and others will sully the event.

Marc Cooper took the words out of my mouth on the Democrats’ absurd stance toward Iraqi prime minister Maliki, who is currently visiting Washington. Maliki has criticized Israel but not Hezbollah; by denouncing him, the Dems are attacking Bush from the right. Maliki’s a bastard for all kinds of reasons. Of course he’s going to condemn Israel, not least of all because he’s trying to outflank Moqtada Al-Sadr, who seems ready to go beyond words and actually ship some of his Mahdi Army fanatics to Lebanon to fight alongside Hezbollah.

Last night on WBAI-FM, Adam Shapiro of the International Solidarity Movement said, in reference to congressional support for Israel (and I paraphrase), that “Israel has occupied those seats as well.” This is an antisemitic trope. Shame on Shapiro for repeating it.

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