A note from Shalom Lappin

I received this communication from Shalom Lappin in regard to a post from July 20:

“Several of the comments on your blog cast doubt on the chronology of events that I give in my post on Normblog concerning the current conflict in Lebanon. In particular, they insist that Hizbollah did not initiate large scale shelling of Israeli towns and villages on the northern border as part of the operation in which it kidnapped two Israeli soldiers and killed three others. These commentators are wrong. The facts are reported in an article in Haaretz of July 12 by Amos Harel, Jack Khoury, and Yoav Stern, which can be accessed here. The relevant paragraph is:

The militants attacked two IDF armored Hummer jeeps patrolling along the border with gunfire and explosives, in the midst of massive shelling attacks on Israel’s north. Three soldiers were killed in the attack and two were taken hostage.

Your correspondents may wish to consult the original piece. Regards, Shalom”

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