Finkelstein: “We are all Hezbollah now”

This is quite a bandwagon. The famed anti-zionist author Norman Finkelstein has laid bare the depthless poverty of his political and moral judgment:

…for those who believe in freedom and dignity, We are all Hezbollah now.

So he proclaims, as he distributes a screed from Samah Idriss, editor-in-chief of the magazine Al-Adab. Idriss’s statement, a model of unvarnished and unyielding fanaticism, is very much worth reading in full. Here is the big finish:

Regardless, the victory of the Islamic Resistance is “near, very near, truly near,” as swore the symbol today of Arab dignity (yes, dignity, dear liberals), Sayyid Hasan NasrAllah. That victory will also be a victory for Palestine. All that is necessary at this moment is a tenacious hold on principles, unswerving support for the Resistance, and serene patience.

It is the fate of Lebanon to be neighbor to a vicious enemy, Israel. But it is Lebanon’s ennobling choice to stand by the side of its heroic freedom-fighters, and by the side of Palestine.

I have nothing to add, other than to note what Finkelstein has endorsed, clearly and without shame — indeed, with unseemly pride.

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