Clarification on a quote

On August 10 I expressed annoyance with a quote from a story in the Forward about “zero dissent” within the Jewish community on Israel/Lebanon. I’m grateful to the person quoted, Hadar Susskind of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, for taking the trouble to get in touch with me:

I was not happy with the original quote in the Forward. I specifically said that there is “zero dissent” among JCPA member agencies, not among the entire community. I have a lot of respect for Peace Now, Brit Tzedek and others who have voiced a range of different opinions. On top of that, I agree with your assessment that it is foolish for anyone to claim to speak for the entire community. I can, and often do, speak in the name of JCPA’s 13 national and 125 community agencies, but I know full well that there are other voices that are not represented even under that broad umbrella.

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