Jill Carroll’s ordeal

The Christian Science Monitor is serializing Jill Carroll’s account of her 82-day hostage ordeal. Part I is gripping; check back in coming days for the rest.

Carroll’s interpreter, Alan Enwiya, was murdered on the spot at the site of the kidnapping. There is a fund for donations to his bereaved family. Information below.

Alan Enwiya is one of nearly 100 journalists and media assistants killed in Iraq since March 2003. Alan is survived by his wife, Fairuz, his two children, Martin and Mary Ann, and his parents.

In response to readers, the Monitor has set up a fund to help support Alan’s family and to enable them to start a new life in the US, where they have relatives.

Donations may be sent to:

The Alan Enwiya Fund
c/o The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway Street
Boston, MA 02115

Donations can also be made online here.

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