As I’ve noted, Oliver Kamm and I are on different sides of the Israel/Lebanon debate, and other debates as well. But Kamm remains one of the most effective and articulate foes of the deranged left (if one can even call it left).

In this post Kamm exposes the latest ravings of the Israeli-born, UK-based jazz musician Gilad Atzmon. I wrote about Atzmon’s vicious antisemitism, thinly disguised as pro-Palestinian activism, in an October 2005 column for Jazz Times.

Plumbing new depths in his comments about the current Mideast war, Atzmon doesn’t bother so much with apologetics for Hezbollah, as other hard-leftists have done. No, Atzmon moves straight to apologetics for Nazi Germany. “To regard Hitler as the ultimate evil is nothing but surrendering to the Zio-centric discourse,” he argues. “Carpet bombing and total erasure of populated areas… has [sic] never been a Nazi tactic or strategy.” Give him credit, though. At least he realizes that to paint Israel as worse than Nazi Germany, one must falsify the history pertaining to the latter.

Critics who write about Atzmon’s music need to know that they are dealing with a Hitler apologist, not a peace and justice activist.

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