“Comrade Mengistu”

Since we’re on the topic of bloody dictators, an Ethiopian court has found the Stalinist mass murderer Mengistu Haile Mariam guilty (in absentia) of genocide. Where is Mengistu? In Zimbabwe, being sheltered by Robert Mugabe.

A member of Mugabe’s government ruled out extraditing Mengistu to face justice.

Paul Mangwana, Zimbabwe’s acting information minister, told AFP: “Comrade Mengistu asked for asylum and he was granted that asylum. That position will not change”.

I wasn’t holding my breath. But I wonder how certain stateside supporters of Mugabe, like New York City Councilman Charles Barron and the December 12th Movement, continue to square their concern for black liberation with their support for Mugabe, who is not just a thug but also a friend and enabler of fellow regional thugs.

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