Jottings on antisemitism

— David T of Harry’s reports that Gilad Atzmon — the UK-based saxophonist and anti-Jewish hatemonger that I’ve dealt with many times before [pdf] — has published a piece emphatically denying that he’s a racist. He’s harmed his case, however, by publishing it on a far-right website called The Truth Seeker, where, among other things, you’ll find the prolific crackpot Henry Makow arguing that Rosa Parks was a communist agent. This is the armpit of the World Wide Web, and Atzmon doesn’t mind the smell. He fits right in. Note the ad for James Casbolt’s site on the homepage: “Former MI6 agent exposes insidious government agendas and the use of underground bases, missing children and extra-terrestrials.”

— The immensely talented Courtney Pine, another UK-based saxophonist, recently shared a platform with Atzmon at an event called “Cultures of Resistance.” Atzmon would be completely insignificant if it weren’t for things like this. Pine’s imprimatur matters in the jazz world. Every time Atzmon succeeds in passing himself off as a progressive, the poison of bigotry spreads.

— You’ll note that this Henry Makow (who created the board game Scruples) uncritically cites the work of David Duke, America’s most famous neo-Nazi, who attended Tehran’s Holocaust denial conference/hate rally and found the time to appear on CNN and call Wolf Blitzer a Zionist agent. Watch the clip — it’s really something.

There was talk, ultimately false, that the openly pro-Hezbollah author Norman Finkelstein attended the Tehran confab. Not so, but in Counterpunch, Finkelstein denounced a NY Times article on Jimmy Carter’s controversial book as “written by two reporters who seem to have made a beeline for the newsroom from their bat mitzvahs.” [Hat tip: Judeosphere]

Oh, almost forgot — Happy Hanukkah!!!

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