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Morgan Tsvangirai (pictured at left), leader of Zimbabwe’s Movement for Democratic Change, has been savagely beaten by Robert Mugabe’s thugs; thankfully he is up and walking and was able to appear in court. His crime? Opposing a regime that has reduced Zimbabweans to hunting mice for food, and that has managed to halve the country’s average life expectancy since 1990.

For the last week or so we’ve heard about the heated diplomatic face-off in Latin America between President Bush and Hugo Chavez, the firebrand president of Venezuela. If Chavez were a genuine campaigner for global justice, he’d be supporting Morgan Tsvangirai and his democratic comrades. But look at the second photo. He’s not. This is the heroic alternative to the Bush agenda? No, it’s the same old same old from the authoritarian wing of the left.

Interesting to note that just this week, New York City Councilman Charles Barron condemned an off-duty officer for killing a man who apparently opened fire with a 9-millimeter inside a Brooklyn nightclub. Barron, as I’ve noted before, is an enthusiastic supporter of the police-state regime of Robert Mugabe. Seems that police brutality is perfectly alright with Barron, as long as it’s carried out by a decrepit former Marxist rebel.

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