Penn’s sanctimony, Maher’s frivolity

Bill Maher’s HBO program this past Friday was excruciating. Garry Shandling, his brain scattered and his face full of botox, contributed nothing. Harold Ford, Jr., head of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, was not there for a fight, and so yielded far too readily to the insufferable demagogue Sean Penn. Unable to get over himself for a fraction of a second, Penn rehashed Chomskyite platitudes and even got Maher to sympathize with the sentiment that “all war is terrorism.”

Which was interesting, because just one week prior, Maher argued precisely the opposite while interviewing Dennis Kucinich. The congressman insisted that as president, he would never bring the U.S. into a war. “C’mon, congressman, you’re going to lose me now,” Maher responded. “Admit it: some people need killing.”

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