Melanie Morgan is evil

Speaking of insufferable demagogues, on last night’s Newshour the ultra-right radio host and activist Melanie Morgan “debated” Jon Soltz of, a group of antiwar veterans heavily involved in lobbying the Democrats on troop withdrawal legislation. Soltz had facts, rationality and decency on his side. Morgan attacked him personally, interrupted, called him anti-American and an al-Qaeda stooge. (Her views on the war are clinically delusional and not worth discussing here.)

I’ve mentioned Melanie Morgan on this blog before. In June 2006 she called for the execution, by gas chamber, of NY Times executive editor Bill Keller. This is someone beyond the pale of civil discourse — well to the right, I’d say, of Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. But she styles herself a voice of the people. And while we focus our ire on the likes of Don Imus (yes, I did it too), Morgan goes largely uncriticized.

The irony is that Morgan, had she been born an Iraqi, would have had a suitable temperament to serve in the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein. Then she could have executed journalists and criminalized dissent all she liked.

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