Maher and the “truthers”

Lively turn of events last night on Bill Maher’s show, as a handful of so-called 9/11 Truth activists attempted to disrupt the live broadcast and impose their agenda. It’s been a while since I’ve bothered to comment on the 9/11 conspiracy phenomenon, but I must applaud Maher for hammering away at this sinister bullying cult. I’d also like to recommend a site I recently happened upon called 9/11 Cult Watch. I don’t subscribe to its leftist position in every particular, but I think the analysis here is important. Be sure to check out their companion blog as well.

A number of prominent non-cultists, including Michael Moore, Robert Fisk, Howard Zinn and even the admirable human rights advocate Peter Tatchell, have made remarkably credulous statements on this “issue” of late.

George Monbiot of the Guardian had two excellent columns back in February, well worth reading in light of the Maher incident.

For a forceful rebuttal of the pseudoscience behind 9/11 “Truth” see here. And also this, from the editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics — an important follow-up to that magazine’s authoritative debunking.

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