Oh my goodness, of course, she’s just being helpful. By rehashing the GOP’s phony links between Obama and the Weather Underground, she’s just pointing out that Obama might be headed for trouble in the fall. So better to back-stab him now. That way, the road is clear for right-wingers to flog Hillary’s old ties to a Communist-run Berkeley law firm that defended the Black Panthers.

Yes, Obama had a rough night here in Philly, but he did a nice job noting President Bill’s pardon of Weather Underground members. He also called Weatherman’s actions “detestable,” which is exactly right. New Left veteran Marc Cooper has some perspective:

Now, I knew these Weathermen folks back in the 60’s, and they were quite unsavory then. There were plenty of us who were in SDS at that time who thought the Weathermen were despicable. And, frankly, I have no particular affection for them now. I found Ayers’ memoir, published in 2001, to be execrable.

But by the time Obama met them in the 90’s, they had cleared their violent past with the criminal justice system, they had served their punishment, gone back to school and by then become legitimate and even respected educators, and players in Chicago liberal politics.

When Ayers and Dohrn were running amuck advocating violent revolution, Obama was literally eight years old.

An excuse Hillary does not have, btw.
Gibson and Stephanopoulos are taking richly deserved heat for their awful moderating on Wednesday night, and the worst by far was George’s “Does Reverend Wright love America as much as you do.” That, and his effort to trip Obama over the word “disown,” as if the March 18 Philadelphia speech never happened, as if we haven’t been through this already, and through it again. At every turn, Obama has distanced himself from radicalism while sticking to his liberal principles. That’s integrity — maybe too much for flag-pin America to handle.

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