John Aravosis gets it right:

So in the space of 12 hours, Hillary has twice suggested that she’d nuke Iran, but now her staff is saying that she didn’t mean to imply that she would. Maybe she’s just 60 years old and tired, like her husband said she was when she repeatedly lied about Bosnia for four months. So long as foreign policy crises only happen when Hillary is well rested, and feeling honest, we should be fine.

I’ve thought some more about this. And jokes aside, this is serious. Hillary Clinton misspoke today, twice, when detailing the possible use of US nuclear weapons in the Middle East as it concerns Iran and the defense of Israel. This is an incredibly dangerous topic. And she made a mess of it, repeatedly, to the point where her staff had to get involved to try to make amends, so that now our enemies and our allies have no idea what Hillary’s position is on war with Iran, the defense of Israel, and the possible use of US nuclear weapons.
It’s 3am, folks, and the phone just rang. And Hillary got it wrong.

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