Treachery, right and left

It’s a great day at Lerterland when both Joe Lieberman and Hugo Chávez get slammed on the editorial page of the NY Times. Lieberman would like government to decide what you can see on YouTube. (He’s also campaigning hard for John McCain, a matter for another post.) Chávez is looking guiltier on the matter of helping to arm and finance Colombia’s FARC guerillas. What the editorial could have noted is that we already know Chávez is a professed ideological ally of the FARC, whose idea of social justice is to kidnap civilians and hold them in jungle for many years, while tormenting their families with ransom demands.

Kevin Spacey is the latest Hollywood figure to suck up to Chávez, who is not merely anti-American, as right-wingers like to go on about. He’s anti-progressive by every reasonable standard.

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